Category: TED Talks

“Do we experience the world as it really is … or as we need it to be?”. Donald Hoffman ponders how our minds construct reality for us.

I know I shouldn’t be here, but this is too cool not to share.

TED Talk presents : “Do we experience the world as it really isor as we need it to be?“. Donald Hoffman ponders how our minds construct reality for us.

Video is courtesy of the TED YouTube channel

Posted by: Vincent Banial

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Neuroscientist Sara Lazar’s amazing brain scans show meditation can actually change the size of key regions of our brain, improving our memory and making us more empathetic, compassionate, and resilient under stress.

Video is courtesy of the TEDx Talks YouTube page



Posted by: Vincent Banial for Uniquely Toronto

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Till H Gross presents his method to becoming more self confident. Just lay down on the ground in a very public place

Video is courtesy of the TEDx Talks YouTube channel

Challenge your Comfort Zones and crush your fears.

Till H. Gross‘s TEDx presentation is fascinating. Laying down on the ground in a public place, sounds like a bizarre thing for one to do. Till first tried this at a Train Station, which was filled with people.

Continue reading

Is the American Dream an Illusion?

Gregory Clark, a UC Davis Economics Prof., recently put together an article on the Foreign Affairs site where he posits that your parents and grandparents social status in society determines your eventual social status level and also that of your kids.

Video is courtesy of The RSA YouTube Channel

Numbers do not lie, but their interpretation can vary. There can often be outliers to any data set. For example, Steve Jobs of Apple fame rise to Billionaire status, readily comes to mind.

I also believe that access to higher levels of education can dramatically change the level to which one can rise on the Social Status ladder. Higher levels of education also allow one to network with other students who come from far wealthier families.

But I believe that Gregory Clark may have an important point and that his data set could very well be proof that the so called American Dream is in fact just an illusion for the vast majority of citizenry. I also think that this applies to most other western countries, including Canada…


Posted by: Vincent Banial

Disclaimer: Any Trademarks mentioned in this post are owned by the respective Trademark owner. There could be unintentional errors or omissions in this post. Always refer to the official sites to confirm details and any ongoing changes or updates. This post is subject to change without notice.

Taylor Wilson’s Nuclear Reactor design can change the world and maybe make him the world’s first Trillionaire

Video is courtesy of TEDtalksDirector and their YouTube channel

So who is Taylor Wilson? Taylor Wilson is a young man, who has recently graduated from High School. He is also a genius, without doubt.

I do not believe that money is his motivator, but I highly suspect that he could become the world’s first Trillionaire.

He has redesigned the way a Nuclear Fission Reactor would work. His design is said to be incredibly safe to operate. He also has visions of his reactor design being used to power mankind’s space voyages of the future.

English: Boiling water reactor system diagram

English: Boiling water reactor system diagram (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

His fission reactor design is smaller by design and he states that the components  can be mass-produced, on assembly lines. Henry Ford change the world with similar ideas about automobile production.

The Wilson reactors will be smaller, far safer, lower in cost and at least 50% more efficient than present designs. That means about 50% more electric power generation, when compared to the present day nuclear reactors.

He states that the final cost of the electricity produced will be competitive with natural gas-powered electric power generation.

Nuclear fission reactors typically require that their fuel rods be replaced approx every 12 to 18 months. The Taylor Wilson nuclear fission reactor design has the nuclear fuel being replaced every 30 years. That will dramatically reduce operating costs and the need for safe and secure storage of waste nuclear fuel rods.

To make the nuclear reactor installation safer and more secure, the Taylor Wilson reactor would be installed underground, Unlike reactors in present use, the Wilson reactor design functions in a non pressurized containment vessel. So if a crack were to develop in the containment vessel, there would be no pressurized release of nuclear material or contaminated gasses.

Unlike at Fukushima Japan, the Wilson reactor can be shutdown by totally stopping the nuclear fission reaction. The danger of hydrogen gas buildup, is also eliminated in the Taylor Wilson design. That in turn eliminates the possibility of a hydrogen explosion and release of nuclear material into the atmosphere which occurred in Japan.

China’s continued growth could be a huge market for the Taylor Wilson designed Nuclear Reactor. Japan could consider his reactors to provide Japan’s power generation needs. Solar and Wind power generation can only supply a comparatively small fractions of Europe’s electric power needs. The Taylor Wilson designed reactors could supply Europe’s requirements and do it very safely and at a cost far lower than present day Solar power generation.

The Taylor Wilson design results in a small reactor, but it is capable of generating 50 megaWatts of electrical power. The more compact design, low-cost and high safety could mean the reactor could also be used by mining and oil companies. One clear customer could be the oil sands developers in Canada. The Taylor Wilson reactors could provide the power to run the steam generators at Alberta oil sands sites, for example. I could go and on.

Based on the above points, I believe that Taylor Wilson stands a very good chance of becoming the world’s first Trillionaire. His design is as much a game changer as Henry Ford’s production lines were.

My suggestion to readers, would be to do more research on Taylor Wilson.

It is my opinion that Taylor Wilson has come up with something that can change the world, much like Henry Ford did…

David Deming essay “What if Atlas shrugged”. “Instead of apologizing for the use of fossil fuels, we ought to be damn glad we have them.”

English: Scientist David Deming testifying bef...

English: Scientist David Deming testifying before the United States Congress (Photo credit: Wikipedia) recently posted an interesting David Deming essay titled “What if Atlas Shrugged”. Who is David Deming, you ask? He is a geologist, professor of arts and sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and the author of the series Science and Technology in World History. Continue reading