Category: Global Warming Religion


Time for a Global Warming Rethink – Thanks to a Cooling Planet Earth.

I read a very well done article about the Earth’s temperature cooling. The article noted on extremely important fact: “A study in British medical journal The Lancet reached the following conclusion: Cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather, according to an international study analyzing over 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries.

Click on this line to visit the PJ Media website to read the article by Tom Harris and Dr. Tim Ball which is titled “Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming“.

Video is courtesy of the Oppenheimer Ranch Project YouTube Channel

Click on this link to visit Dr. Tim Ball’s website.

Welcome to Global Warming. Parts of the US Midwest enjoy 60 Below Zero Temperatures

Can’t wait for the Global Warming Fear Mongers to blame the latest cold blast on Global Warming. To them everything is caused by Global Warming, yet they can never prove it. Their dire predictions of massive flooding and island states disappearing into the ocean have turned out to be failed predictions.


Video courtesy of the Fox News TV YouTube channel


Click on this link to visit the Weather Channel website to read their post titled “Polar Vortex Triggering Coldest Arctic Outbreak in at Least Two Decades This Week in Parts of the Midwest“.


Click on this link to visit the AccuWeather website to read their post titled “Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week“.


One thing not mentioned on the news, is the Major Negative Impact this cold spell will have on the US Economy and First Quarter 2019 Financial Reporting.


Myths of Renewable Energy. Climate Science DOGMA exposed.

Steve Goreham is a researcher on environmental issues, and an independent columnist. He’s also the Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, a non-political association dedicated to informing about the realities of climate science and energy economics.

This presentation was made at the Friends of Science ‘Climate Dogma Exposed’ meeting.

Video courtesy of the Friends of Science YouTube Channel

Climate change is ‘not as bad as we thought’ say scientists

Professor Judith Curry on the reality of Climate Change Research



Judith Curry; “The deeper reasons have to do with my growing disenchantment with universities, the academic field of climate science and scientists… I no longer know what to say to students and postdocs regarding how to navigate the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science. Research and other professional activities are professionally rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions approved by a politicized academic establishment — funding, ease of getting your papers published, getting hired in prestigious positions, appointments to prestigious committees and boards, professional recognition, etc.” “How young scientists are to navigate all this is beyond me, and it often becomes a battle of scientific integrity versus career suicide.”

Video is courtesy of the Fox News YouTUbe channel

Video is courtesy of the corbettreport YouTube channel

Arctic Defies Fake News Stories

Source: Arctic Defies Fake News Stories

By Paul Homewood

We have had countless fake news stories over the winter about heatwaves in the Arctic and record ice melt.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Arctic sea ice is just where it has been for the last few years.

New research findings disprove Theories of Man Made Global Warming – Climate Change which are being foisted by the United Nations Climate Change Conferences

This is new scientific research which will get buried. You will not hear about it on mainstream media.

Because the new finding disprove Theories of Man Made Global Warming – Climate Change which are being foisted by the United Nations Climate Change Conferences.

Click on this link to visit the University of Wisconsin–Madison News Release titled: “From rocks in Colorado, evidence of a ‘chaotic solar system“.

Continue reading

Gregg Braden talk at the “2012 – Gateway to Your Future Conference” held at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, Canada – Oct 2011

Gregg Braden has a science and engineering background. His resume includes high level positions at Cisco Systems and programming Nuclear Missiles. He is also a best Selling Author.

I was amazed at the topics which he touched on. A great presenter. This was a live 2 hours presentation and he did not need any notes.

One part which fascinated me is that Greg Braden discussed Peer Reviewed Scientific Proof that Global Warming is Cyclical. Also that the Warming started way before the concentrations of CO/2 gas increase in the atmosphere. Yes, there is Global Warming. It is cyclical and “not Man Made”. Sure mankind may be helping it, but Mankind did “not cause it“.

He also goes into human ancestors. Humans are not genetically related to Neanderthals. Human DNA and Neanderthal DNA are very different. We are different species, and “NOT” related. That was an eye opener. He provides Peer Reviewed proof, that somehow is not making it into our Educational Systems.

Video is courtesy of the Bob Loblaw YouTube channel

Click on this Link to visit the Gregg Braden website.

Click on this Link to visit the Gregg Braden Facebook page.


Posted by: Vincent Banial

Disclaimer: Any Trademarks mentioned in this post are owned by the respective Trademark owner. There could be unintentional errors or omissions in this post. Always refer to the official sites to confirm details and any ongoing changes or updates. This post is subject to change without notice. Any offers mentioned in this post are also subject to change without notice. Spartacus may or may not be on display at this Motorcycle Supershow.

How accurate did Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” turn out to be

The Daily Caller news site posted a review  titled:

An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

An Inconvenient Truth premiered on May 24, 2006 at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.

The following are quotes from the Wikipedia page for “An Inconvenient Truth”:The film won the 2007 Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature:

Sight & Sound magazine conducts a poll every ten years of the world’s finest film directors to find out the Ten Greatest Films of All Time. This poll has been going since 1992, and has become the most recognized poll of its kind in the world.[75] In 2012 Cyrus Frisch voted for “An Inconvenient Truth“.

Al Gore, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

So, how accurate was the movie “An Inconvenient Truth“?

Click on this line to visit The Daily Caller website to read their informative post titled: “An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate.


Posted by: Vincent Banial

Disclaimer: Any Trademarks mentioned in this post are owned by the respective Trademark owner. There could be unintentional errors or omissions in this post. Always refer to the official sites to confirm details and any ongoing changes or updates. This post is subject to change without notice.

“Get politics out of climate debate” asks John Coleman, a Meteorologist for 60 years and founder of the “Weather Channel”

John Coleman has written an interesting and factual article about Global Warming, which is posted on the USA Today website.

Click on this line to visit the USA Today website, to read John Coleman’s article titled “Get politics out of climate debate: Opposing view“.

“Global Warming Revisited”. Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever’s speech at the Nobel Laureates Meeting given on 1st July 2015

Must View Video.

Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever‘s speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015.

The following is courtesy of WikiPedia:

Ivar Giaever has said man-made global warming is a “new religion.”[10] In the minority report released by the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in March 2009,[11] Giaever said, “I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.[11][12]

Video is courtesy of the 1000frolly YouTube channel but the owner of the copyright is “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings”


Vincent Banial, the Uniquely Group and Uniquely Toronto are posting this video for educational purposes, with permission granted under the following conditions which we agree and adhere to:

The “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” allow this video to be shared or embedded so long as the “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” is attributed as the owner of the copyright to the video (but not in a way that suggests that the “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” endorse the user or the use of the work). This video may be used only in a non-commercial manner and many not be edited or altered.

Click on this line to visit the official website of “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings“.