Tagged: Coronavirus Crisis

“Hot In Cleaveland” sitom can provide a break from the stress during this Coronavirus Crisis. We all need to be reminded how to laugh.

We all find ourselves in distressing times during this Coronavirus Crisis. Watching a comedy can give our bodies a break from the stress of it all. Laugh at the foolish antics on the TV or Computer screen, found in a great comedy can be helpful.

I started to binge out on Seinfeld episodes on Youtube.com. Watching Cramer’s antics put a smile back on my face, for at a short time. One day after watching a Seinfeld episode, another comedy starting playing. Youtube sometimes will show you things it thinks you would like. The show was called Hot in Cleveland. Yes a strange name for a comedy but then so was calling a show Seinfeld.

Hot In Cleveland reminded me of Seinfeld, so I started to watch more episodes. One episode featured a Seinfeld actor. The guy who played Neuman is a neighbour on Hot In Cleveland. I’m not a Neuman fan, but found that his character fit will in this show. So far he has appeared in one episode.

Hot In Cleveland stars Valerie BertinelliJane LeevesWendie Malick, and Betty White. All the actresses are awesome. Betty White delivers some amazing one liners. The show will grow on you, as it has one me. If a good laugh will help improve you day of Social Distancing via Self Isolation, then I would highly suggest to visit Youtube.com and do a search on “Hot in Cleveland”. Watch a few episodes and it will grow on you, much like Seinfeld did..

Posted by Vincent Banial




Watching a comedy may give us a break from dealing with the Coronavirus crisis 24/7. Might I suggest Watching a few episodes of Seinfeld

We are all going thru some stressful times. I have found that watching a comedy can relieve some of the stress. When life is no longer anything to laugh at, maybe the antics or Cramer and George from the Seinfeld series can make us laugh for at least a brief moment.

Long ago I learned that Google.com is our friend. Google also runs Youtube.com. I have found many full episodes of Seinfeld to be found on Youtube.com

You can find episodes by visiting www.youtube.com and doing a search for Seinfeld.

While doing a Google search on Seinfeld I came across the Canadian TV Channel “CTV” which is making available a couple of Seinfeld episodes and lots of other stuff.

Click on this link to visit the CTV webpage: https://www.ctv.ca/Seinfeld

Well I hope that watching a few episodes of Seinfeld will help take your mind off the worry during this time of Coronavirus crisis. Laughing at a great comedy can help relieve some stress…